33 giant Chinese infrastructure projects that are reshaping the world
A huge change is underway in China. Over the next 10 years, the country plans to move 250 million people — the equivalent of Indonesia's entire population — into the country's rapidly growing megacities. To accommodate that enormous migration, the country has invested billions of dollars in massive infrastructure projects. Some are already complete, while others are still in the works. From highways that span the continent and the largest wind-power base in the world to enormous airports and new cities in the desert, China is showing what it really means to do big things. Robert Johnson and Vivian Giang contributed to an earlier version of this story. $110 MILLION: The Pingtang telescope was finally turned on in September 2016 and is now the world's second-largest radio telescope. Its dish measures 1,640 feet across. Reuters $176 MILLION: The Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory is where many of China's major scientific projects...