Discover Islam. Discover Truth
What is Islam? The name " Islam " simply means " Self-surrender to the Will of God ." It is the way of life that all Prophets through out history have taught, from those known in the Western world such as Abraham, Moses and Jesus to those sent to other parts of the earth like Salih, Shu'ayb and Luqman, the African. The last and final Guide was Muhammad , may he be blessed, who lived in sixth century Arabia. A " Muslim ,"(i,e. a self surrendered one,) is a follower of this faith. Nearly one in every five persons alive today is a Muslim. What does Islam teach? Islam calls humanity to the service of the One, Omnipotent Creator, Who is known as " Allah , " (The Deity) in the Arabic language. It further instructs people on how they may live together in peace and harmony regardless of race, class or beliefs. The unity of purpose brought by all previous religious guides is highlighted as well as traditional morality, the equality...
je tiens juste a te dire que tu es nul
tu te crois pr un poete alors que tu n'es rien de rin
c koi tte cette charabilla etr ces mots ss sens
vraiment tu me fais piiƩ
ha ha ha ha