Discover Islam. Discover Truth

What is Islam?

The name "Islam" simply means "Self-surrender to the Will of God." It is the way of life that all Prophets through out history have taught, from those known in the Western world such as Abraham, Moses and Jesus to those sent to other parts of the earth like Salih, Shu'ayb and Luqman, the African. The last and final Guide was Muhammad, may he be blessed, who lived in sixth century Arabia. A "Muslim,"(i,e. a self surrendered one,) is a follower of this faith. Nearly one in every five persons alive today is a Muslim.

What does Islam teach?

Islam calls humanity to the service of the One, Omnipotent Creator, Who is known as "Allah, " (The Deity) in the Arabic language. It further instructs people on how they may live together in peace and harmony regardless of race, class or beliefs. The unity of purpose brought by all previous religious guides is highlighted as well as traditional morality, the equality of the sexes before God and the virtues of patience and humbleness.

Where do these teachings come from?

Muslims have two major sources from which they derive their religious teachings. The first is a book known as "the Quran," the direct Revelation of God to His last Prophet, the blessed Muhammad. The second source is the collected sayings and pronouncements of the Prophet which are complimentary to the Revelation. These are known as "the Hadith."

What about Muhammad? Who was he?

Muhammad (pbuh) was born in Arabia in the year 570. His father's name was Abdullah and his mother's was Aminah. Abdullah died before his son was born and his mother died when he was yet a small child. He was first placed under the care of his grandfather and then later his uncle, who raised his nephew as his own. As a boy, Muhammad (pbuh), disliked the prevailing custom of idol worship practiced by his people. How many a night he must have paused to watch the stars and endless plains, while tending his uncle's flocks, and wondered at the real Creator of it all. He shunned the mischief of his fellow youth and soon developed a reputation for honesty, generosity and compassion. When he was a young man he took employment in the merchant trade and soon distinguished himself for his excellent managerial skills, which resulted in an offer of marriage from his wealthy, widowed employer, the noble lady Khadija. He was 25 and she was 40 when they got married. Their marriage was based upon love friendship and trust Though time and circumstances had changed as he grew older and wiser, Muhammad (pbuh) still remained restless for the truth and he began to retreat to the solitude which could only be found outside the city of Mecca. He often went to a mountain where he would sometimes spend days thinking and contemplating about God, reality and the Divine way of life. Then on one glorious day, the Almighty revealed words of inspiration to him through His angel, Gabriel. "Read!" the angel commanded him, "Read in the name of your Lord who created man from a clinging embryo..." This was Muhammad (pbuh), for all his truthfulness, patience, piety and spirit, commissioned as the last and final Prophet of God to humanity. Though many trials, tests and triumphs lay ahead of him, he always called people to the service of the One God, to shun myths and idols and to do unto others only what is good and right. He always lived a frugal life, and even after all of Arabia was liberated from the darkness of ignorance, he, as the ruler, still slept on a reed mat and mended his own clothes. He taught a new standard to people and brought civilization to an area of the world where it had long ago passed by. His lips moved with the Revelation of God and his life put its precepts into practice. Though persecuted by the idol worshipers for thirteen years in Mecca and followed faithfully by the believing citizens of Medina for ten thereafter, he remained unto his death a devoted father, husband, leader and Prophet. He was given the title of "Mercy to the worlds" by God Himself in the Quran and anyone who has studied the details and adventures of his life must necessarily declare the same. This man Muhammad (pbuh) is truly the hero of his age as well as an inspiration to ours.

Do Muslims worship Muhammad like Christians do Christ?

No. Muhammad (pbuh) was only a man among men who received the special favor of God. No true Prophet of God taught that any man must be worshipped, as if any human body could contain the infinite. God instructs us in the Quran about him thus: "Muhammad is no more than Messenger. Many were the Messengers who passed away before him..."(3:144.)

How does Islam compare with Christianity and Judaism?

Islam, or, the Way of Self-Surrender to God, was taught by all Prophets whether their race was Jewish, Chinese, African, Arab or Cheyenne. Accordingly, Moses, who is regarded as the pivotal figure in Judaism, and Jesus, who is the central personality of Christianity, both taught Islam to their peoples. The teachings of these great Messengers of God did not go unchanged, however, over the centuries, and one can find that many practices, beliefs and customs practiced by the adherents of those faiths today differ from the original purity of their founder's message. Muhammad (pbuh), simply brought the last installment of self-surrender (Islam) to the world in order to correct earlier corruption in humanity's knowledge of the truth. So if the roots of Judaism and Christianity are the same as Islam, why does Islam seem so exotic and strange? The problem is two-fold. On the one hand, there are people in the world who claim to be Muslims, but who do not follow the ethical or religious teachings of the faith. Unfortunately, the media has a universal fascination with negative news and a reluctance to highlight the positive. On the other hand, much of what we read and learn about Islam in the west is written, interpreted and presented by those who either know very little about Islam and the Muslim world. or are even hostile towards it. An even more important area of misunderstanding lies in the basic assumptions about religion that the Western world and the Islamic world make. Because of the West's negative experience with religion, an alternate ideology known as secular-humanism had to be established to allow science, rationalism and free thought to flourish. Islamic civilization, in contrast, never impeded science nor the development of human thought, so a break between secular values and religious ones never occurred. This is why Islam is often mix-labeled "Theocratic." Education and improvements in global awareness, however, are slowly wearing down barriers to understanding, but it will require some effort from all of us to finally reach a point of tolerance and mutual good-will.

Where do Muslims Live?

Muslims live in every country and region on earth from Norway to Malaysia and Morocco to Mexico. Muslims form a large percentage of the population in Russia, China, India, and Eastern Europe. Some Islamic lands are Arabia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey, Malaysia, Egypt and Nigeria. Arab Muslims form a small minority of the worldwide Muslim population. There are nearly six million Muslims in North America alone. That's more than the population of some states such as Alaska, Nevada and Rhode Island.
How does one become a Muslim?

There are no elaborate rituals or ceremonies to perform to enter Islam (Self-Surrender to God), for Islam is the faith of reason, and therefore it takes an exercise of reason to become a Muslim. Simply by declaring and believing in one's heart the following phrase: "There is no object of devotion save God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God," one thereby is a believer. As a consequence of making this statement sincerely, everything an individual did that was wrong or unethical in his life up to that point, is forgiven by God, no matter what it was. From that moment onwards, the slate is cleared and you begin life again as a new person.


Dar Hakim said…
Bismi allah al3adle al7akame

amma ba3d,
voici ma reponse mon frere karim alias sniper-je viends juster de consulter l archive juin 2006 et de lire ce
massacre de commentaires...mais il n 'est jamais trop tard pour une replique...avant ke je m'embarke je vx ke tu sois tres attentif a ce ke je dis et surtout ne le prends mal...le but de ts ça c'est de debattre avec raison et passion :) vie est bon et belle aussi...

au début ngulha lek bsara7a halktini akhuya bdek hadra aw! kangul mal hada ma bghash ibad had sa3a bsa3a khra...o gult hada gher shi wa7ed mrabbi shi la7ya o baghi neet irabinni 7etta ana :) bdeteha bhadi 7ram, hadi 7lal , hadi khyba hadi mazyana..WA HLAKTINI...ana hamdoallah je suis en mesure dans la limites de mes capacités et mes connaissances de distinguer entre le mal du bien...
ta reaction contre la foto est juste un example d'autres choses ; la foto px etre une chanson, un poeme, jeans , une vx dire ke ta reaction px etre contre n'importe koi cela depends du point du vue ke tu regarde cette chose du point religieux...
je vais te repondre pr chque reaction a la façon de ABDEL HAKIM EL FARKANE:
----1) "I´ll give you 10 days to delete the photograph WHICH SHOWS the FLAG OF the JEWS, if not,
you will not find any more your site... ": wakah khuk ma kayqrash Quran bezaf ya rabbi yasma7 leya; danya datna wast les romans , journaux....--->" ...wa ida khatabahum ljahelune qallu salamane..." ma qalla wa dalla baraka !
----2) lli ghadi yakhli dar bouk a dit...
واله ou mat7ayad dik raya dial lihoud , ita nto9bek , sniper 3tak 10 days ana ghadi ne3tik 3 days ,
ila ma7ayatihach , rani wejhek cheftou , hat liya tesswirtek far7an yale7mar , i will see you in the bus
nr 11 when you come back from the university to "dior jjama3". iwa llah ihdik 9bel manwelli ghadi 3lik l 3oukacha !!!___ma reponse pr ceci est comme suivante-un verset de Motanabi:
ida attatka madalatti men naqessine fa heya shahadatu li anni kamilune
ou mieux :
wa ida sabanni nadlune tazayadtu rif3atane wa ma l3aybu ida kuntu mosabih(kansabb za3ma*)
(( je connais pa la fille qui a répondu; j ai un presentiment mais au moins elle n'etait pa içi par hasard ))
----3).... !!!sir a khouya t3ellem tkteb m9add ra hadchi 3ndek mamfhoumch
mziane haha wa blaaa mandiya3 m3ak lwa9t hehehehe rak mdiy3o ghir bou7dik m3a had chouha lli dair hna hahaha tassaruf:p..............

يا ايها الذين امنوا لا تتخذوا اليهود والنصارى اولياء بعضهم اولياء بعض ومن يتولهم منكم فانه منهم ان الله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين

سورة المائدة - آية 51

لتجدن اشد الناس عداوة للذين امنوا اليهود والذين اشركوا

سورة المائدة - آية 82
wnta 7att rraya dialhoum w katgoul "irael is present everywhere"
ach ban lik fhadchi a lalla l mou7amiya :)
hadchi fnadarek maystahelch ndiye3 3lih chwiiiiiiiiiia dial lwa9t ???
ra khassna nfi9o mn nn3as achmen romansya llah ihdina wihdik !!!
JAWABE: bla mandkhel fmqadeya dyal falestine , lubnane...haduk suqhuum khawi sayaritu allah l2arde ohumma hakkak et je pense pas pr l'avenir proche qu'il aura du kayn gher hbash feya nahbesh fek..daqa bdaqa...gher wa7ed katkune daqqqa dyalu qas7a orak 3arf dyalmen...(
(( pr expliquer la foto ; le choix des fotos etait pr montrer l attitudes des supporter ds les stades de foo, j ai met la foto de Iran next to dyal Israel pr montrer le conflit px etre present meme ds le terrain et en plus Israel n a pa participé a la competition alors il faut s'arrter pr considerer la foto et la joie de ses gens! le geste du joueru Ghani lli jbed raya Israel men tqasher...hadu des clichés a penser....ila shafti shi 7aja ghreba katbqa tfakker: comment ? pourqoui ?...c'est bien ça !)))
.....tu dis "koun kan 9ddami koun kanet hdra khra w klam akhor .. wzid ikemmelha ikteb lik l i3jaz fl islam!! ach had ttana9od a ssi hakim ???!!!"...akhuya diiinnnnnnneeeeee rah mu3amallla, kun layeen, daba nta hna yqder tkhadeem l3unf walla tkhasser hadra...c'est pa la solution...lakhur 3ad tzeed tkarhuu feek...C EST FACILE D ETRE tawada3a lli allah rafa3ahuu...ya bcp de gens ke j aimes comme Ahmed Deedat...etc
----4) wa safi ander lek lista , baraka 3lek!
....mais j ai pas insulté et si tu relis mon message tu ne trouveras aucune insulte :) le deuxieme message ma3ndi
7ta 3ala9a bih c´etait pas moi wllah :)
en plus je suis pas au maroc pour dire cela a hakim face a face sinon je le lui aurais dis directement
hakim n est pas mon ami et il ne m a jamais vu et moi non plus mais puisqu il est musulman il est donc un
frere pour moi et si je vois mon frere entrain de commaitre une erreur je dois lui corriger !!!
et c´est ce que j ai fait.. peut etre c´etait pas aussi poli qu il le fallait mais bon j etait tres enervé...
et je m excuse pour cela :)j espere qu il lira ces messages aussi votre frere karim :)

ma réponse: tu lis ça et tu aura une bonne idé, je sais ke tu as plus de connaisance concernant l'islam que moi t c'est bien , j espere apprendre plus: wa law kunta fadane ghaleda lqalbi la infaddu men 7awleka ...

j ai pas reacter d'une façon : lakum dinukum wa leya denni ou bien je ss hayyyyim onta suqqak ?
j ai préfére cette façon comme ça on restera amis car l'autre finira par des insultes wa ma la yu7madu 3oqbah:p
j attends les commentaires dyal commentaire de Karim
de notre amie :)
de ts les autres visiteurs aussi
salaaaaaaaaaaam shaluuuuuuuuuuuuum peaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaix....
Anonymous said…
salut H@kim !
Tu l'a bien repondu chapeau
Dar Hakim said…
merci je crois te reconnaitre!
y a une seule personne qui écrit hakim comme ça "h@kim" dans mes commentaires
et c'est Bonna ;)
Anonymous said…
salam :) l ikhwa l a3izza2
tout d abord je tiens a m´excuser pour la facon dont j´ai parlé a hakim.. mais je le regrette pas !!! parceque il fallait absolument que cette photo disparisse!!!
hakim !!matgoullia la poemes la chansson la situation romantique la identité la walou!!! hadouk lihoud kai9tlou khoutna !!! wnta drti la foto dialhoum wzdti ktebti " israel is everywhere" .. ay wa7d kaighir 3la dinou kimma bgha ikoun ghadi igoullik nafs lhdra !!! machi laboudda ikoun mrabbi le7ya !!! w ra koullchi 3la 3inikoum had liyam !! w rak gltiha toi meme : "o gult hada gher shi wa7ed mrabbi shi la7ya o baghi neet irabinni 7etta ana :)"
voila!! machi ghadi nrabbik mais ghadi ngoullik belli rak 3ala khata2 !!
(----2) lli ghadi yakhli dar bouk a dit...
واله ou mat7ayad dik raya dial lihoud , ita nto9bek , sniper 3tak 10 days ana ghadi ne3tik 3 days ,
ila ma7ayatihach , rani wejhek cheftou , hat liya tesswirtek far7an yale7mar , i will see you in the bus
nr 11 when you come back from the university to "dior jjama3". iwa llah ihdik 9bel manwelli ghadi 3lik l 3oukacha !! )

hadi machi ana lli ktebtha !!! et je l´ai deja dit .. wila kount ana moulaha ghadi ngoulha avec fierté !! donc ca vaut pas la peine de m ´ecrire des vers de moutanabbi wla ghiro ;), 9elleb b3da 3la lli ktebha w goullih had lhdra !!

(JAWABE: bla mandkhel fmqadeya dyal falestine , lubnane...haduk suqhuum khawi sayaritu allah l2arde ohumma hakkak et je pense pas pr l'avenir proche qu'il aura du kayn gher hbash feya nahbesh fek..daqa bdaqa...gher wa7ed katkune daqqqa dyalu qas7a orak 3arf dyalmen...)

hada jawab machi dial insan kaighir 3la dinou wkaib9aw fih lmouslimin!! hada lil2assaf jaouab dial insan b3id bezzaf 3la ddin !!! donc a khay hakim 3awed fekker mziane fhad nno9ta lli goulti rak ghalet !!wlli bgha ma3loumat zayda fhad l mawdo3 hahoua le lien !!

(pr expliquer la foto ; le choix des fotos etait pr montrer l attitudes des supporter ds les stades de foo, j ai met la foto de Iran next to dyal Israel pr montrer le conflit px etre present meme ds le terrain et en plus Israel n a pa participé a la competition alors il faut s'arrter pr considerer la foto et la joie de ses gens! le geste du joueru Ghani lli jbed raya Israel men tqasher...hadu des clichés a penser....ila shafti shi 7aja ghreba katbqa tfakker: comment ? pourqoui ?...c'est bien ça !)

hadi a hakim hdra zayda w khawya -excuse moi pour le terme- 7it a khay liyahooood a3da2 dial lmouslimin w llah sou7anahou wa ta3ala ghadab 3lihoum w gallina ba3dou 3lihoum donc aucune force peut changer ce que Allah nous a dis !!! amma bach tgoullia les supportaires.. hadik ghi sebba drtiha !!! a quoi sert de la mettre !! achnou zadet lik fl blog !! walou !! 3assabtina hakdak a khouya :)

(akhuya diiinnnnnnneeeeee rah mu3amallla, kun layeen, daba nta hna yqder tkhadeem l3unf walla tkhasser hadra...c'est pa la solution)
khay hakim !! l islam kain9asem l tlata dial les parties w7da katkemmel lkhra !! kain l3a9ida wl 3ibada wl mou3amalat, ila glti lia ddin ghi mou3amalat rak 7iyedti jouj 7wayej mouhiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmin !!
al 3a9ida(l imane) : koullna l 7amdoulillah mou2minin kan amnou bellah, mais a khay bach l iman ikmel khassna nbghiou wl mou2minin wn karho lkoffar ! comme ca bla 7ta zwa9 3la lhdra !! meme si ghadi nt3amlou m3ahoum wla n3ichou m3ahoum mais kaib9aw koffar kankrahohom 7it kaikfro bellah w kai3saweh !!! w hadchi ghadi tl9ah tres bien expliqué fhadak ddars lli 3titk le lien dialou !!

j ai pas dis du tout que ghadi nkheddem l3ounf wla nkhesser l hdra !! j ai dis hdra khra w klam akhor !! donc tari9a khra dial lhdra !! et ca veux jamais dire belli ghir tkhsar lhdra hia l autre facon de parler !!!

(----4) wa safi ander lek lista , baraka 3lek!)

ma3ndek maddir a weddi ana ma da3iya ma jouj !! ana brassi khassni lli id3ini :) !!
walakin a khay ana 3araf annaho man ra2a minkoum mounkaran fal youghayerh!! c´est vrai que la facon makanetch juste 100% mais de toute facon une autre personne 9amet bl mouhimma ;) rak 3araf a hakim chkoun!! ;)

a khay hakim ra ma3ammri ghadi nwsal l les insultes !! kimma kan l7al rani mrabbi wma kaberch f ghaba !! 3araf l hamdoulillah kifach nhdar w imta nbeddel la facon de parler !! ca veux pas dire du tout que je vais insulter...
allah soub7anah wa ta3ala sifet moussa 3alaihi ssalam l FIR3AOUN lli kan kaigoul "ana rabbokom al a3la" w gallih :

"اذهبا الى فرعون انه طغى فقولا له قولا لينا لعله يتذكر او يخشى" surat taha aya 43, 44 .. wa layinan a sa7bi !! maghadich nji ana wnbda kankhassar l hdra

iwa a khay hakim hadi une PETITE reponse 3la hadchi lli ktebti nta, ghir pour le public , bach nnas ifhmou chnou dayer f ssa7a ;) !! amma le reste ghadi ntna9cho fih ana wiyak inchaallah sawt wa sora ;) bach twsal l information mziaaaane :)

thallaw frasskoum . salam
سبحانك اللهم و بحمدك لا اله الا انت استغفرك و اتوب اليك
Dar Hakim said…
waaaw :p
salam KaRiM (alias bou la7ya :p msheti khla lasqat fek mais entre nous !!! )
merci pr la reponse
je px pas te repondre maint car je ss avec s7ab l7al daba !!! ma feya mayhder la fadiine wala seyassa !!
à suivre :) prochainment
Anonymous said…
mmmmm .. iwa khoud ra7tek .. w jaoueb 3la khatrek ;)

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